Monday, June 15, 2020

Welfare system Research Paper - 825 Words

Welfare system (Research Paper Sample) Content: One of the biggest problems facing our economy and communities is the fact that everyone is self centered. Every country no matter how poor it might be is in a position to feed and shelter everyone in it, but from time to time we hear that people are dying of starvation on a certain parts of the country. This does not mean that the government does not have enough money to feed them, it is the self centered managers who have to release the money for fighting starvation or any other short term misfortune who take all the money and put it in their bank accounts and satisfy themselves without thinking about the lives of other people. According to Asa Briggs, the possibility of using governmental power has been related in each country to the balance of economic and social forces .Using of welfare money is a crime just like any other, and an individual should be jailed and even lose their job for such a crime. However there are people mostly in the government who support this act despite the fact that it is illegal. The misuse of welfare money is one main reason why most country remains poor, due to the fact that all resources are in the hands of the greedy people instead of circulating in the country. The other side of misusing of welfare money is through the affected individual. Welfare money is also supposed to help the old retired people who cannot work anymore, but does the government always make sure that there is food on their plates, or are they forced to do hard labor during old age? Acording to Asa Briggs, before the advent of mass unemployment, 'unemployability', the inability of individuals to secure their livelihood by work, was a key subject in the protracted debates on poor law policy . When one pretends to have a problem and the welfare department helps them, that means that the money or food that was allocated for a specific number of affected people reduces and affected people will not get enough funding from the welfare depart ment.For someone to get welfare money there are some procedures and regulations that they must follow for them to be issued the funds. If an individual decides to break the rules of the funding program then they will have to be cut out of the project. For instance, you will find that some people have jobs but still they cheat to the welfare program about their financial status and income. This is not accepted and it might end you up in jail or even in a worst place. Another thing is that many people, who are being funded, will always be relying on the funds even when years pass and there fund time is past due. When one is given the welfare money they are supposed to give a report on how their life is being improved through the welfare, in which some will always lie and say that no improvement is happening to them while they are actually profiting from it. Cheating to the welfare program and giving false document about you is also another way that individuals get to profit themselves from the welfare money. Lastly, like any other funding office, the welfare offices have their own methods of managing the people they are helping. Therefore someone must show up for appointments as set by t...